Two-part documentary series presented by Sir Trevor McDonald and from the filmmakers behind the International Emmy nominated and Grierson shortlisted In Cold Blood. A team of investigators explore claims the Wests were responsible for many more murders than the 12 women and girls they are known to have killed.
Fred West committed suicide before he was brought to trial, but his wife Rose was convicted of 10 murders in 1995. There has however always been a strong belief that there are many more victims.
This new series, shown on consecutive nights, features former detective chief inspector Colin Sutton, investigative psychologist Donna Youngs, author and West expert Howard Sounes, and reporter Sir Trevor McDonald following up new leads to try to shed new light on the true number of the Wests’ victims and their identities.
My score for this series features cello, performed by Joe Zeitlin
A Blink Films production for ITV
Director: Marcus Plowright
Producer: Emily Harris
Composer: Alexander Parsons
Motion Graphics: Euan McGrath
Editors: Ben Melbourne and Katherine Lee