Category: Sky

Forced Out: Their Fight for Pride

BAFTA Nominee, 2024

Whilst homosexuality was decriminalised in England and Wales in 1967, it remained illegal to be gay in the UK Armed Forces until 2000.

During those 33 years, thousands of gay men and women faced intrusive investigations and interrogations by military police, before being forced to resign or dishonourably discharged, simply because of their sexuality. Many of those dismissed were then imprisoned, given criminal records, had medals removed, and had their service pensions revoked, all by the institutions to which they gave their lives.

FORCED OUT will tell the important and shocking stories of the men and women who were discharged from the Army, Navy and RAF because of their sexuality, who helped others still serving in secret, and who led the historic battle for the ban to be overturned.

Produced by DRAGONFLY, this feature-length film will feature rich archive, impressionistic drama visuals and gripping testimony from the courageous few who fought to prove to the MoD, to politicians, and to the nation, that being gay should not be a barrier to serving their country. The documentary will also feature veterans who are still coming to terms with what took place, as they reveal how the legacy of the ban continues to influence their lives 20 years on.


Director: Luke Korzun-Martin
Exec Producucer: Tom Pullen
Composers: Alexander Parsons and Ollie Howell
Production Company: Dragonfly Films
Broadcaster: Sky Documentaries

Hijacked: Flight 73

Before 9/11 and Lockerbie, one brutal attack shook the world and inspired a new era of global terrorism. The hijacking of Pan Am Flight 73 in Karachi in 1986 is a story of terror and tragedy, but also a story of bravery and survival – one which could have been incalculably worse were it not for the actions of a group of rookie flight attendants and a Pan Am employee on the ground who risked his life negotiating with the hijackers. Set in a gripping geopolitical landscape, this feature length documentary plays like a thriller, with first-hand testimony from passengers, the flight crew and negotiators, accompanied by dramatic reconstruction.

Director: Ben Anthony
Editor: Ben Brown
Composer: Alexander Parsons

Watch Here


The Man Who Stole the Scream

The true story about the master thief who stole Edvard Munch’s iconic painting ‘The Scream’ – told by himself! A witty and wildly entertaining film about boyhood dreams, lost friendships and one of the world’s most famous works of art.

As a young man in 1980’s Oslo, Pål and his best friend come up with a fresh idea: He wants to steal Edvard Munch’s world-famous painting ‘The Scream’. Not to sell it, but just to show he can. And he succeeds in the first go – almost! This was a time where you could get away with a Munch painting just by smashing a window in the museum. If you can find the right window, that is! And when Lillehammer is announced as the host city for the 1994 Winter Olympics, Pål comes up with the ultimate master plan for the large-scale heist while the police are out of town. The story of how it all went down is told by Pål himself, and it’s a true crime story of big dreams, ruined friendships and one of the world’s most famous paintings: a priceless piece of cardboard from 1893. With a cast of characters straight out of ‘The Pink Panther’, we also meet Pål’s opponent, a larger-than-life detective from Scotland Yard. A story that occasionally surpasses one’s wildest imagination.


Executive Producer: Asif Kapadia
Producer: Clare Beavis
Directors: Sunshine Jackson and Nigel Levy
Composer: Alexander Parsons